About Brian


I’m Brian Perisho and this is my beautiful bride Tracy…

I’m a husband, father, grandfather, and career firefighter.

I got into affiliate marketing like most people.

I wanted the freedom of earning income online without the hassle of creating products, fulfilling orders, and handling customer service requests.

I didn’t hate my life as a career firefighter. But I wanted more freedom, more opportunity, less B.S., and the ability to travel and live life on my own terms.

Cheesy Right??

How it All Started

Back in 2015, I dabbled in Dropshipping and Amazon FBA and actually did okay, at first… I’ve also done day trading Forex, where I lost my full account in the rocky market. I have done pretty much all the different online business models that you could think of.

With drop shipping, business revenue is not profit. The money was being spent as fast as we could make it. And the problems piled up just as quickly.

Customer service, fulfillment, advertising, you name it… there was always a problem to fix.

And because China is on the opposite schedule to the US, a lot of late nights trying to keep the machine going led to a lot of tiring days.

It became a complete hassle and I was making less than $2.00 per hour for my efforts.

I was burned out. And I needed a better solution.

So I Started Over and Switched My Approach…

Really, my first taste of Affiliate Marketing was actually in 2010 and after multiple failures, I set it aside for many years.

After my trial and error with everything else and trying to do it ON MY OWN, I decided to invest in myself and partner with a successful team.

Thankfully, I finally discovered a system that worked…

What was the difference maker you might be wondering?

Three things changed everything…

1. I started promoting Affiliate Products…

2. I stayed away from “hit & run” businesses (Shiny Objects) Because there are many! I focused on growing my email list…

3. Began Posting Valuable Blog Content and Simple 5-Second Videos on Social Media

It has worked surprisingly fast.

Now keep in mind…

A). I’m a pretty average guy that lives in the suburbs of Indianapolis, IN


B). I’m not too flashy. Actually, I’m fairly modest.

…The point is if I can make it work…


I now have a grandson and granddaughter who motivate me daily to keep pushing to give my wife, adult kids, and grandchildren the freedom that I didn’t have in my early years.

I’ll leave you with my favorite affiliate marketing quotes, from Russel Brunson, Co-Founder of ClickFunnels…

“Being an affiliate marketer is Very Cost-Effective.  You don’t have to put much money in an affiliate program in order to gain a lot.”

I am thrilled that I discovered Affiliate Marketing.

What about you?

Ask yourself…are you ready for more?

If so, don’t waste your time as I did. Skip straight to what works.

Join Our Community for FREE Today and learn the right way to make Big Paydays with affiliate marketing.

And send me a message on Facebook Messenger if you have any questions.

To Your Success,

Brian Perisho

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